Author: Palmer Media

We’re “all-in” this week, as we welcome Annie Duke, author of Thinking In Bets and retired poker pro, to the show. Annie begins by sharing the long, winding path she took to become an author and expert in decision science. From her time as a PhD student in cognitive science to her introduction to poker as a novice to her inspiration to write her books, Annie provides great detail on all of the influences throughout her life that have come together to write Thinking In Bets.  We also dive into the non-profit, The Alliance for Decision Education, that Annie co-founded…

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As an extra this week, Mike and Dan spend time with Jaye and Adam Fenderson, the filmmakers behind the new documentary, Unlikely. The film explores the problem of low graduation rates among US college entrants through the stories of 5 students and their families. We explore why this problem hasn’t yet elevated to the national consciousness despite the fact that the US trails major industrialized nations with a college completion rate of less than 50%. This is made evident through an exploration of the challenges faced by “non-traditional” students balancing their educational needs with other financial, familial, and professional demands…

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In this episode of Trending in Education, we dive into the exciting world of immersive learning with Josh Reibel, CEO of Dreamscape Learn. We explore how virtual reality and cinematic storytelling are revolutionizing education, particularly in STEM fields. Josh shares insights on Dreamscape Learn’s innovative approach, which combines Hollywood-style narratives with rigorous academic content to create engaging, interactive learning experiences. We discuss the company’s origins, its collaboration with Arizona State University, and the impressive results they’ve seen in student engagement and performance. Josh explains how their VR experiences work, from asynchronous biology labs to synchronous classroom sessions, and how they’re…

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We ring in the new year with a fascinating conversation with world-renowned author and speaker David Meermam Scott heading into the release of his new book, Fanocracy, which launches this week. What can we learn from our shared experience of fandom? How do concepts like mirror cells and our understanding of physical space provide clues into become a more effective instructor or presenter? How is being a fan part of what it means to be human? And can all of this help us to be optimistic heading into the new decade? We cover all of this and explore the power…

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This week, Mike sits down with best-selling author Rohit Bhargava to talk about Rohit’s new book Non-Obvious Megatrends which launches this week. We discuss what it’s been like to put together a trendspotting book each year for the past ten years and how shifting the focus to Megatrends this year has provided new perspective heading into the 2020s. Then we dig into a few of Rohit’s Megatrends from the book to talk about how Instant Knowledge and Attention Wealth, among others, relate to learning and education in 2020. We hope you enjoy the conversation about where the world of learning…

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This week Mike engages with noted author, speaker, and futurist, Bryan Alexander to discuss the challenges and potential futures emerging for higher education focusing on the US. Bryan has recently authored a book called Academia Next in which he explores trends and describes multiple possible futures for the higher ed ecosystem. What are the threats that are emerging to the traditional model of higher education in the US? How do adjuncts fit into the picture? Is Clayton Christensen’s concept of The Innovator’s Dilemma relevant to the future of higher education or are there reasons why it doesn’t apply? We explore…

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Mike engages in a fascinating discussion with Dr. Paul Reville, a Professor of Educational Policy at Harvard Graduate School of Education, Founder of the Education Redesign Lab, and former Secretary of Education for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Paul recently wrote a book titled Broader, Bolder, Better: How Schools and Communities Help Students Overcome the Disadvantages of Poverty. We discuss why we have historically avoided the topic of poverty when establishing educational policy in the US. We also explore how reframing the context for education as something broader and more community-based opens up opportunities to fundamentally change how we think about…

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Trending in Education partnered with Rohit Barghava and the Non-Obvious Company to host a Virtual Summit on the Future of Learning which we’re releasing as today’s episode. Join Rohit, Melissa Griffith, Dan Strafford, and Mike Palmer as we discuss what the future might hold for parents, learning professionals, and lifelong learners. In a wide-ranging conversation, we explore how our behavior patterns around learning and life have changed in response to Covid-19 and how these pivots will likely play forward in the coming months and years. What do we make of the distinction between learning and education? How will we navigate…

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UNC Greensboro Chancellor Dr. Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr. UNC Greensboro Chancellor, Dr. Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr., joins Trending in Education to share his experiences leading a university with a long history of opening up access to higher education. Beginning as a women-only university in the late 19th Century, UNC Greensboro has since opened up to non-white students soon after to men. Dr. Gilliam has been Chancellor since 2015 and he tells the story of how he got the job and what he’s been able to do since joining the school. UNC Greensboro has eliminated race and ethnicity differences in retention…

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Dr. H. Richard Milner IV, Professor of Education at Vanderbilt University, joins Mike to explore how he is thinking about issues of diversity, opportunity gaps, and the mindsets that must be overcome to effectively engage diverse students and classrooms. Rich’s book, Start From Where You Are, But Don’t Stay There was just reprinted by Harvard Education Press to coincide with the 10-year anniversary of its initial printing in 2010. While many of the themes are enormously relevant to this day, several warrant further discussion in light of the Black Lives Matter Movement and the COVID-19 pandemic. Rich is a leading…

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